Stay Proactive with Instant Alerts!

As we move towards multiple platforms, we remain on our toes to deliver more with each coming day.

Managing campaigns at scale is time-consuming and resource-intensive; performance can change at a moment’s notice. Advertisers continuously balance multiple campaigns and remain on toes to deliver more with each coming day.

To help Dentsu Marketing Cloud users work seamlessly across platforms and ad accounts, Campaign Manager now allows for clubbing of multiple accounts and creating client portfolio while also providing a system to set alerts that notify users when their Campaign/Adset touches a defined threshold.

Introducing Campaign Alerts

In order to alert users when something doesn’t seem quite as expected and give them peace of mind that the ship is sailing smoothly, users can now set thresholds alerts and be the first to know if an important campaign performs differently than what they expect.

This feature makes working on strict targets & KPI’s easy by keeping the check on your targets, KPI’s, Costs for you.

Alerts are available for CPC, CPM,..

Setting Up Your Campaign Alert

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