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Product Update: The New DMC Campaign Manager [Budget]

We’re excited to unveil our new DMC Campaign Manager [Budget] UI. This feature available on DMC Campaign Manager has been updated starting from 20th September, 2021.

Why this update?

The DMC Campaign Manager [Budget] user interface has been upgraded to fit the new and improved Dentsu Marketing Cloud ecosystem that we have started the journey towards in the past few months.  Our aim in doing so is to design a user interface that improves the experience of DMC users by making their interactions with the ecosystem as simple and efficient as possible.

The old Dentsu Marketing Cloud Budget Optimizer:

What’s New?

The new Dentsu Marketing Cloud Budget Optimizer:

  1. Simple & clean UI in tandem with the rest of the user interface.
  2. Improved loading speeds to aid agility, we are now 4x times faster than before.
  3. Clear view of campaign spending limits on the new Dentsu Marketing Cloud Budget Optimizer.

Update to the user toggles to accommodate changes in Facebook Attribution settings. In light of new requirements in Apple’s ATT, the attribution window is now 7- day click.

How it works

On the occasion of introducing the new user interface, we would like to recap how it helps our users in bolstering their campaign performance:

  1. The system analyses the results of all the ad sets within a campaign to automatically suggest budget recommendations according to performance.
  2. We back-up our recommendations by giving a view of each ad set’s creative relevance and saturation level.
  3. Creative relevance score: The creative relevance score is an important indicator of how well your ads fit your target audience when compared to your competitors, it gives you a view of how relevant the ads in your ad set are on the basis of engagement and conversions.
  4. Saturation score: Factors like audience saturation and ad fatigue need to be taken into account while monitoring campaign performance. You need to strike a balance between advertising that is relevant and over targeting that can lead to saturation, the latter can cause annoyance and mistrust, and have a negative impact on your campaign. Our saturation scores help you keep track of ad fatigue for campaigns easily.
  5. You can refer to our optimization schedule here to run efficient optimizations on your campaign budgets.

Client Speak

“Facebook CPA has always been a matter of concern. Dentsu Webchutney along with Dentsu Marketing Cloud Product Suite has helped us achieve 23% reduction on CPA in a matter of three months of their partnering with us. Cost optimization is one of the key performance indicators for the Non for profit sector. Reducing the cost and improving efficiencies in child rights organizations like ours means amplifying our reach to the most marginalised children of India.”

Jyoti Gandhi,

Deputy Director – Individual Giving, 

Save the Children

Read our complete case study here.

If you have any further questions about the Budget Optimizer on DMC Campaign Manager, feel free to reach out to us :

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