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Maximizing Your First-Party Data With DMC

With the looming restrictions on 3rd party cookies, it will be difficult for brands to effectively reach out to their target audience and measure the impact of their ad campaigns. Additionally, initiatives like Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) policy will make it harder for publishers to gather information about their users, which marketers use for sharper targeting.

These changes, however, open the door for innovations in the field. It will also bring onus on brands to look inwards i.e., their rich first-party data and how they could leverage it to increase their advertising outcomes.

The Dentsu Marketing Cloud (DMC) offers many ways to use your first-party data to maximize your marketing efforts while ensuring data safety. The platform adheres to all global laws like GDPR, CCPA, etc.

Uncover Rich First Party Audience Traits

Using Dentsu Marketing Cloud’s data partnerships & proprietary machine learning algorithms, you can better understand your existing customer’s interests, consumption patterns across a variety of sources like social, OTT and web, and demographics. DMC can help you identify specific traits of people at each level of the sales funnel. This includes both offline & online events recorded.

The best part – your private consumer information is housed within your current Facebook Business Manager. This ensures that all privacy standards are met when handling your data.

Get started with a few simple steps:

  1. Start by uploading your hashed customer data as a custom audience in your Facebook account
  2. Create a lookalike from the custom audience
  3. Link your Facebook account to Dentsu Marketing Cloud
  4. Go to the Explore tab of Dentsu Marketing Cloud and select Facebook Audience
  5. Next, choose the appropriate audience segment under the lookalike audience drop-down
  6. Click on the explore button
Figure 1. Inputs for an Explore run

It will take a couple of mins as our system analyzes the custom audience in real-time. And Voila! Our platform will provide you a comprehensive deep dive into your existing customers. Discover new insights into your customers’ affinities, consumption categories, topics they like, etc.

Figure 2. Audience Website Consumption
Figure 3. Audience OTT Consumption

Pro tip – Segregate your database into granular segments and upload these sets as different custom audiences on Facebook. E.g. – you can segregate your audience based on age groups (provided you collected this information) like 18-34, 35-50 and 50-60. This will allow you to get specific insights for each group.

Expand your Audience Efficiently

DMC enables you to deep dive into your lookalike audience to uncover rich audience passions and interests and expand this to other platforms enabling users to access detailed and granular behavioural data through ‘transparent lookalikes’.

Using transparent lookalikes that unravel rich audience segments, grow your audience by focusing on those segments that have the most value.

At Dentsu Marketing Cloud we believe all insights should be actionable. With just a few clicks, you can use the insights from the explore tab to activate a campaign on Facebook or Programmatic and reach out to new audiences that have similar traits to your customers.

Bringing Offline Intelligence to Strengthen Online Marketing Efforts

For many brands, their most important consumer interactions happen outside the digital space. Unfortunately, it can be complex to stitch together the effectiveness of an online ad campaigns with offline sales data. Moreover, optimizing campaigns using a brand’s offline data signals can be even more challenging.

Bringing these two worlds together, Dentsu Marketing Cloud created a customized solution called CRM Sync, which brings in offline marketing intelligence to better inform online adverting endeavors.

Kotak Securities, a leading financial institution in India, saw an uplift of 5X in lead to account open ratio and a whopping 181% increase in ‘interested’ leads by using our solution.

For them, we aimed to build an automated system that could tailor and train the optimization algorithms to understand the ground realities of the advertiser business and further cherry-pick the audiences that matter the most for the business in the acquisition stage.

This was made possible by creating a custom integration that passed the hashed customer data from the client’s CRM on daily basis to a server. We layered this data through a rule-based algorithm that identified the offline signal of importance, in this case, an interesting lead basis the status assigned offline by the call center. We used this assessment to factor only the interest leads into the DMC’s machine learning system. We eliminated the junk and other leads on the server/container level through an algorithm. With the help of the system’s input, it was possible to create a laser-focused Facebook campaign to optimize towards the client’s offline goal.

DMC enables you to leverage your first party audiences in 3 easy approaches, enabling you to maximize and strengthen your owned or acquired data fortresses keeping you and your clients future ready.

To learn more about Dentsu Marketing Cloud, you can reach out to

Shelley Sam
Director, Product Solutions
Dentsu Data Sciences

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