At this exact moment while you read this; around 7 out of your 10 potential customers have already begun searching for your brand online, it could be about looking up reviews or a product in your specific category, and it is imperative for your brand to appeal to them at each of these buying stages.
In a post COVID-19 world where staying online is the most convenient way to stay connected and remain updated, buying behaviour has also undergone a major revamp
Which makes it extremely crucial, now more than ever to stay ahead of the curve and to be able to identify and analyse the buzz around topics relevant to your brand and overall product category
Because the only way to stand out is to identify specific trends and perceptions, and then create valuable posts that align with those trends and perceptions.
While your strategy will differ depending on your industry and audience, the process does revolve around largely similar stages:
- Identifying areas with high potential
- For instance, areas that have a large amount of interest or queries but few matching sites
- Learning from the latest tips and trends
- look at the bigger picture, including how people’s use of the web is evolving and how other businesses are responding.
- Understanding audience reaction
- While analyzing trends is important, it is also necessary to understand how your target audience is perceiving them.
Here is when a usual author would ask you to crawl through the internet and research various trend sheets thoroughly..
But we at DMC are anything but usual!
And that is precisely why I will turn you straight towards our proprietary tool- Explore topic
Which has all the potential to be just the magic wand you need.
Our proprietary offering DMC Explore Topic [Lens] helps you learn what our audience is actively talking about on varied platforms and their reactions around it, making each stage of your content strategy process much easier.
Allow me to demonstrate with an example:
Let us assume that HSBC Bank has recently launched a new credit card and wants to drive awareness as well as generate leads to gain new customers.

The output
Mindset: understanding areas that have a large amounts of interest or queries

Topic Alternatives: The big picture, to understand your audience’s web usage

Keyword search: get a look at who your competitors are and how are they relevant.

Content Consumption: Understanding audience reaction, to curate content that resonates with the sentiments of your consumer

Twitter trends and hashtags

To sum up;
Great and relevant content not only leads new customers to your brand but also entices them to come back. So, take advantage of all these insights from DMC Explore Topic [Lens] to help your brand and business grow.
Head on to https://dentsumarketing.cloud/explore/ and see the magic for yourself
Happy creating
P.s Don’t forget to tell us your experience and reach out for any query that you might have