The Inside Story of Our Redesign

Digital transformation is imperative for all businesses, from the small to the enterprise. Businesses are expected to transform themselves in order to stay relevant and profitable.

When DAN Data Labs was first launched in late 2016, it was a digital transformation for Dentsu Aegis Network. The impact of that transformation was huge. While we used machine learning and AI to discover what our customers want or need, we understood that using these technologies could fundamentally change how we deliver value to our customers.

When we first started out, it was our goal to create a one-stop-shop for our users to come to. After 3 years, with different stable analytical tools, we knew our users were ready for the next big step. This was where our goal was pushed into production, the Campaign Manager for Optimisation Tools. Optimisation tools for DDL (Lasersight, Budget Optimiser, Adselect) are the most favoured and loved tools because of their simplicity and efficiency.

To combine the 3 tools, the first thing we wanted to tackle while designing the interface was to find the commonalities between the tools and come up with a design that enhances the user’s experience. Good design doesn’t just look simple, it is simple. It communicates complexity seamlessly.

By building Campaign Manager, we wanted our users to take advantage of it and maximise their gains.

The redesign isn’t just about making the place prettier. It’s also about creating a whole new experience for users and improving their journey with Dentsu Marketing Cloud.

Anam Qazi
Product Manager, Data Sciences India

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