Get A Head Start On Your Campaign Performance With DAN Planner

Now that all the hype has died down, the benefits of data-driven planning are no longer questioned. Mounting research shows that agencies and clients that have embraced data driven planning are reaping real returns. The tally of successful case studies continues to build, reinforcing broader research suggesting that when companies inject data and analytics deep into their operations, they can deliver productivity and profit gains that are 5 to 6 percent higher than those of the competition.

To present planners with a quick data-driven approach to build actionable plans on Facebook’s Ecosystem (Facebook Platform, Instagram, Facebook Audience Network, Facebook Messenger) and to ensure a consistent delivery of product, Dentsu Marketing Cloud launched a master planning engine called the ‘DAN Planner’


How Is The DAN Planner Better Than Any Competing Approach?

Learning from the pain points of clients and actual paid social planning experts, the DAN Data Sciences Team of Dentsu Aegis Network India built out the DAN Planner to solve key challenges such as:

  • Inconsistencies in Planning Process Across Teams and Markets.
  • Limited Bandwidth to Adopt A Consistent Data Driven Approach to Plan A Campaign.
  • Lack of Adequate Real-Time Data to Build A Scaled Digital Plan.

Delivering success in addressing the challenges above for Dentsu Aegis Network digital planners and strategists around the globe, the DAN Planner trumps over any competing planning approach, delivering key value propositions such as:

  • Simplified Brief Input
  • Quick Data Driven Output
  • Easy Go-Live Process

Simplified Brief Input

Unlike any of the competing planning frameworks/products, the DAN Planner requires a very simple brief to get started.

Step 1: Complete the Set-Up Section

This section contains: Brand/Product Name, Target Country, Language & Activation Platforms



Step 2: Complete Brief Section

This section contains: Objective, Campaign Flight Period, Campaign Budget



Step 3: Complete Audience Section

This section contains: Optimization Goals, Core Interests



Taking this as an uber simple brief, the planner recommends to you age, gender and suggests behaviour. The power of the product is in the fact that one doesn’t need past campaign performance or require you to even spend media budgets for the DAN Planner to give you a recommendation of targeting specifications before it builds a detailed plan on Facebook’s Ecosystem & Twitter.


Quick Data Driven Output

Upon clicking the “Make My Plan” button once you have inputted the uber simple brief (detailed in the point above), the DAN Planner is designed to establish a gold standard in data driven planning and provide a concrete plan on Facebook & Twitter (more platforms are being added) in a matter of minutes.


The very first step of the DAN Planner is to take the overall campaign budget and then split it between Brand (follow this link to read more about brand awareness objectives on Facebook: and Direct Response (follow this link to read more about direct response objectives on Facebook: It does this by taking the weightage of budget split given by the user in the input:



And then runs multiple simulations taking into consideration efficiency and inventory availability to determine the output:



The advanced algorithm of the DAN Planner runs multiple simulations of the Reach & Frequency Curve of Facebook to identify “inflexion points” across over 2400 points of Reach & Frequency to determine the ideal point of buy i.e. the point just below which a short increment in reach causes a huge increase in cost.



It also generates the actual nature of the Reach & Frequency audience that the Reach & Frequency  campaign targets – forming a unique element to the DAN Planner:



It then takes the remaining budget to plough into the Direct Response objective (if selected). Here, the algorithm of the DAN Planner fetches from Facebook, the other audience interests in relation to the core interest of the DAN Planner brief, to get a set of audience sizes and affinities of every audience interest and then buckets the most engaged and efficient ones based on a proprietary composite index to bucket adsets as:



All this in under a minute – saving you time and delivering a strong data-driven and consistent plan.


Easy Go-Live Process

With smooth connections to live APIs from partner ecosystems – the DAN Planner allows you to – with a press of a button, take your entire media plan live almost instantly. Clicking this button:



Instantly loads all your adsets in the Facebook Business Manager with all the budgets and flighting period pre-entered, along with all the interests suggested by the DAN Planner. These will be loaded up as paused adsets for you to only add your creative and take live. The DAN Planner will also execute your selected point of buy for the Reach & Frequency saving you tremendous time and effort.


Success Stories



Read the entire case study:

The Nestle Japan Case Study delivered huge delight to the client, supported by the Dentsu Digital Japan team. It is one such example showcasing the differentiator that the DAN Planner poses to us as an agency in the marketplace as a layer of intelligence built over platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Google.


Because of its data driven approach and ability to analyse large amounts of data at scale, campaigns that start with the DAN Planner as a starting point perform 20-25% better than those that do not, results of which are seen in the first 3 days itself from taking a new campaign live.



Abhinay Bhasin
Abhinay Bhasin
Director (South Asia), Data Science
Dentsu Aegis Network

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