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Examining Your Campaign’s Performance with DMC

The campaign optimization module in DMC’s product suite provides important insights that can help you understand and improve your campaign’s performance. For example, you can uncover insights about which interest segments are the most cost effective for your client’s campaign, an insight that can be further used to discover similar interest segments. Today, we’ll be looking at how you can analyse your client’s campaign performance and improve your performance maximisation methods using DMC. 

Understand what questions DMC Campaign Manager can help you answer

The Campaign Manager product is to help performance teams drive better results for client campaigns running on Meta. While the product consists of various optimisation features, it is coupled with some exclusive and crucial insights that help planners and performance teams react and also plan better for future campaigns. So we have curated a quick list of questions that the campaign manager can help you answer in just a couple of clicks. 

  • Can I find which interest segments are working for my client’s campaigns? 

You can get a quick snapshot of this in the ‘Psychographics’ section of the Campaign Manager. Here we have colour coded different audience interests cohorts that have been targeted at the ad set level to make it easier to conclude which audience segments will help you achieve your campaign goals. These interest performance insights are exclusive to the DMC product suite and not available on Meta’s native platform. 

  • Which creative asset is performing the best? 

The ‘Creatives’ tab in Campaign Manager can be used to analyse the performance of all the creative assets within an ad set in one place. The colour coded report will help you to quickly determine if there’s any creative that’s outperforming or underperforming in your creative pool.

  • Should the campaign continue to run on all Meta apps (Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network, Messenger)? 

It’s a known fact that campaign performance considerably varies on different platforms within the Meta ecosystem. The difference in performance can be attributed to various factors like the objective, creative assets, audience targeting, etc. Use the ‘Delivery’ section in Campaign Manager to understand which campaigns perform better on which platform to help you plan better for your client’s future campaigns.

  • Which demographic segments are working best for different ad sets? 

If your audience targeting is different for each ad set (it should be), then it’s plausible that the demographics that are working best is also different for each of these ad sets. Quickly jump to the ‘Demographics’ tab on Campaign Manager to get an in-depth analysis of your audience’s age and gender that work best for different types of audience targeting.

  • Which demographics are resonating with our client’s creatives? 

Creatives are the first point of interaction for every campaign and so it’s extremely important to understand the impact each creative is able to have within an ad set. Head to the Creatives section, select a couple of creatives and click ‘Deep Dive Selected Ads’ to conclude if the creatives are resonating with your brand’s target audience.

Apply recommendations that support your client’s business goals

There’s plenty you can do on Campaign Manager to help achieve (and sometimes overachieve) those KPIs and benchmarks the client has set for their campaigns. Through constant machine-learning, DMC continuously identifies opportunities and shows new recommendations for your campaigns based on real time data. Here are a few quick actions you can take on Campaign Manager that will help improve your performance maximisation efforts. 

  • Change Budget 

This is to implement the budget changes recommended for each ad set to help bring in cost-efficiency for your overall campaign. While similar to the Advantage Campaign Budget+ in functionality, we have consistently been on par or outperformed the native’s platform’s budget optimiser. Head to our success story page to read some of these case studies.

Frequency – Every 3-4 days

  • Remove Interests 

It is important to ensure that you’re not wasting your advertising budget on audiences that are expensive and not performing. The remove interest feature helps you remove these interest segments for an ad set

Frequency – Once in 7 days 

  • Get Recommendations and Add Interests 

These two widely used features in the ‘Psychographics’ section is available so that you can add more interest segments to your ad set’s audience targeting. DMC generates these additional interests based on the segments that are performing for the ad set. This takes you one step closer to accurate targeting and discovering new audiences in the process.

Frequency – Once in 7 days 

  • Place Bids 

Available in the ‘Demographics’ and ‘Delivery’ tabs, this feature is to help optimise bids sent by Meta when competing for your audience. The feature helps improve the ad set’s cost effectiveness by decreasing bids for demographics/platform that’s underperforming for your client’s objective. These bid level changes are exclusive to DMC’s Campaign Manager and cannot be carried out on Meta Ads Manager.

Frequency – Once in 5 days 

  • Pause Poor Performing Ads 

If you have too many creative options for a campaign, the most efficient way to go about it is to start with taking them all live and then pausing the ones that aren’t working along the way. In the Creative section of Campaign Manager, once you have identified the creatives that aren’t working well, use the Pause Ads option to pause these creatives on Ads Manager. 

Frequency – Once in 7 days 

  • Generate Heat Maps For Your Creatives 

This crowd favourite feature is used by client and agency creative teams to breakdown their creatives and analyse which elements have the potential to attract your brand’s audiences. It can be particularly helpful to find out why some creatives aren’t working. You can use insights from the heat maps to tweak the creatives and add them back to the ad set to check if it performs better.  

Frequency – Every time new creatives are added to a campaign 

Set-up personalised alerts so that you don’t miss out on anything important 

Consistent campaign monitoring is essential for you to keep track on changing conditions or spotting something unusual. However, this could be challenging for people who are working on several client campaigns together. The ‘Client Information’ section on DMC Dashboard allows you to set up custom as well as performance alerts for your campaigns. This feature helps notify you of thresholds being exceeded and thus allows for more efficient monitoring of your campaign’s performance. 

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