#WorkingFromHome: How Can Dentsu Marketing Cloud Help Furnish Insights For Your Pitch in a Remote World

In many ways, remote working has become the “new normal” with a lot of us now operating from our #WorkFromHome stations due to a virus induced lockdown. With teams around the world being forced to telecommute while delivering for clients during these challenging times, many people are grappling with the reality of working from home for extended periods of time.

Getting work done, especially during a virtual pitch or client review meeting, when your teammates are not physically with you is slowly becoming engrained in our DNA.

We do know however, that the truth is, it is much more complicated than just laptops and video conferencing.

In a recent blog post, we spoke about how the Dentsu Marketing Cloud fosters collaboration in an agile working environment

In this blog, we have put together 3 ways how you can get insights from the Dentsu Marketing Cloud to support your consumer insights and strategy suggestions during a pitch, by leveraging the DMC ecosystem.

#1 Discover A List of Video Content Buckets On the Rise Using DMC Explore Audience

With more downtime and consistent access to WiFi, consumers have gravitated towards visual forms of entertainment such as video streaming, gaming, social media, and live streaming, while audio consumption has fluctuated. This creates a heightened need to understand video consumption preferences of audiences. The audience lens of DMC Explore helps understand nuances of content buckets that your audience consumes on Online Video and Online entertainment by fetching near real-time insights from YouTube.

(Read our guide on how to navigate DMC Explore Audience from our content hub here )

#2 Get Deep Insights on the Instagram Following of Your Brand or a Celebrity using DMC Explore Asset

With time spent on Instagram up by 15% on average due to the pandemic, there is increased engagement on IG Live, Facebook Live, with short form content and videos. The Asset lens of DMC Explore allows you to access rich audience understanding of the Instagram following of a brand or audience without you even having access to these IG accounts.

Read our guide on how to navigate DMC Explore Asset to fetch IG Insights from our content hub here )

#3 Understand How Your Brand is Communicating vs How The Audience That Engages With Your Brand is Responding with BrandSense & AudienceSense on DMC Explore Asset

With most organizations already dealing with a slowdown, if not a complete shutdown, marketing during this period will need a lot of creativity and tact to ensure that the message of the brand is effectively communicated. This has created a greater impetus to understanding brand communication and how their audiences perceive to them. With BrandSense & AudienceSense on DMC Explore (Asset), you can now fetch a deep rooted understanding of this to further strengthen your client pitch narrative without having access to pages or handles of Facebook and Twitter.

Read our guide on how to navigate Dentsu BrandSense & AudienceSense from our content hub here )

With the ease of access to rich consumer insights through your web browser powered by the Dentsu Marketing Cloud, you can now nail that client pitch with a strong insights narrative using the DMC ecosystem. Supported by collaborative features, the Dentsu Marketing Cloud presents a great companion to analyse real time insights for brand and competition at your fingertips.

Happy Pitching!

Abhinay Bhasin
Abhinay Bhasin
Director, Data Science

Dentsu Aegis Network

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