Understanding Eligibility Checks on Lasersight

Users of Lasersight often felt they were investing a significant amount of time discovering what insights they’ll get from the long list of ad accounts they run.

To help make this process faster we’ve now added Eligibility Checks to inform users upfront where there’s data available and the type of data, on the input screen of Lasersight itself.

Decoding the Eligibility Criteria.

Before providing actionable insights on the targeting specs for both interest as well as demographic optimization, Lasersight performs multi-level checks and recommends a change only when it is confident.

Getting started is easy.

All Ad Accounts a user has access to are enlisted on the input screen of the tool.

Available Accounts

These accounts are classified as either Available or Unavailable on the platform. When a user runs an Unavailable account by clicking on Submit – it gets activated on Dentsu Marketing Cloud within 30 mins and moves from being “Unavailable” to “Available”. This means that the tool is now ready to fetch insights.

Eligible Accounts

Available Accounts are then sub-classified as either Eligible or Ineligible accounts where eligibility depends on varied factors such as:

  • The duration of your Campaign (the adset needs to run at least 3 days without being paused or
  • No significant changes in the ad like creative changes or pauses due to limited delivery since
    Lasersight considers active ads within the adset and a relatively new ad might
    not throw the data required for the tool to provide a conclusive verdict
  • No intersects in interest targeting

What each status means:

Status Meaning
Missing Access The account selected is missing advertiser’s access to Gautam.mehra@dentsuaegis.com
Unavailable The account has never run on DDL. Once activated it’ll take 30mins to fetch insights
Available The account is activated on DDL and ready to fetch insights
Eligible The account will show interest and/or demographic insights
Ineligible The account currently does not have insights (check Eligibility Criteria)

The insights a user views for his Eligible accounts may either be interest-level or demographic mostly depending on Facebook’s level of confidence in attributing actions to an interest.


In case, you’re facing errors, raise it with us! (Read How: https://web.dandatalab.com/2019/11/21/we-made-everything-a-little-easier/   )

Mondrila Banerjee
Assistant Manager, Data Sciences

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