Power Up Your Creative Insights with Deep Dive (BETA) on DAN Adselect

People want compelling and relevant digital content that’s delivered at just the right moment. In order to achieve this, brands must know not just what creative works for a particular creative targeting, but how their creative performs across different audience demographics.

A common problem many of our users face is when they review creative performance, they don’t really have a justification to a client on which part of the client’s target group did the creative really work for a specific objective. More so, the current ad-insights they have access to is difficult to understand and getting the breakdowns which is required is increasingly effort consuming.  

That’s why DAN Adselect is making changes with added features to help brands and agency teams better understand the impact of their creatives across demographic cohorts.


Introducing Deep Dive (Beta) on DAN Adselect

DAN Adselect has always helped you understand which of your creatives works best for your customers. With ‘Transparent AI’ being embedded into the DAN Data Labs ecosystem, through Deep Dive (beta), you will get further enriched insights.

Deep Dive (beta) is being launched exclusively for the users of DAN Adselect wishing to get enriched and readily available insights into the performance of their ad creatives.

Insight’ exposes to you a quick understanding of which demographic works well for your ad-creative being reviewed by you via DAN Adselect by means of a guidance message.

Want to better understand demographic performance for your creative?

Deep Dive (Beta) is the answer to your questions, where you will be able to see not just the recommendation (highlighted in insight) of which Age or Gender is working for your creative – but a breakdown across demographics and a whole lot more!

Simply click the button ‘Add to Deep Dive’ as shown below:

In this update, we are enabling demographic understanding of creative performance. Now, while your creative might be running across a broad Target Group (TG) say All Adults 18-64, a “Deep Dive” will be able to provide a more granular break up of Performance by Age & Gender combination.



DAN Data Labs Deep Dive (Beta)  v/s Facebook Ad Insights

Sometime ago, Facebook launched a feature on Ads Manager that provided insights on ad performance based on Demographics, Placement and Performance:

While this feature was unique, many users were stumped when it came to interpreting the data.

For example, the graph above doesn’t really reveal which Age & Gender is working for the creative as users are unable to select their specific objectives and associated cost metrics. Many users of the above feature from Facebook have commonly alluded to the representation above to be misleading.

Another limitation of the Facebook Ad-Insights feature is that its coverage is limited as only basic metrics are supported as is highlighted in the image below:

So, if users wanted to evaluate creative performance for a particular demographic or placement by an efficiency metric such as Cost Per Result, this feat is near impossible on the business manager of Facebook.


How is Deep Dive (beta) Better?

After receiving multiple such requests to have a quick, user friendly view of ad insights in depth that covered more specific performance metrics to show clients, DAN Data Labs has painstakingly worked to fulfil these requests with ‘Deep Dive (beta)’.

Today, through the Deep Dive (beta) feature, unlock demographic performance on metrics such as spends, actions, impressions and cost per action on your existing campaign objectives through quick, intuitive and a readily available chart for users of DAN Adselect to conveniently add to their client presentations by means of a screenshot.

Compare More Than One Creative At A Time With Deep Dive (Beta) on DAN Adselect

Sometimes comparison brings true insight. At DAN Data Labs, we realise the importance of how nuances in creative can bring about a different result. Through Deep Dive, you can now compare demographic performance of 2 creatives on a single screen by simply “adding creative to Deep Dive”.

These new Deep Dive features are now available to all DAN Adselect users, with more features on the way.


A peak into the future of Deep Dive (beta) in DAN Adselect

At DAN Data Labs, user feedback and input is crucial in terms of deciding new feature additions or discovering what type of products we invest our efforts in building.

Currently Deep Dive (beta) in Ad Select is launched with the purpose of seeking user feedback in terms of its use and what added features we should enhance.

Some key features we intend to add to the product in the coming quarter are:

  • Objective Selection: Currently Deep Dive (beta) in Adselect provides insights into demographic performance of select creatives based on the default objective of the Facebook campaign. We intend to expand this functionality to allow users to select specific objectives (in addition to their default campaign objective) that they would like to see these insights on.
  • Dimension Addition: Deep Dive (beta) in Adselect currently shows users of this feature insights on how their ad performs across different ages and genders. We plan to include additional dimensions such as placement, day part, device and so on.

#TransparentAI with DAN Data Labs.

Abhinay Bhasin
Abhinay Bhasin
Director, Data Science

Dentsu Aegis Network